Vill du ha mer information om skogs- och vegetationsbrand så kan de här länkarna vara en start. Fattas det en viktig sida? Hör av dig till


Nordiska informationssidor:

CAKE Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange

Skogens Brannvoktere

Markfuktighetskart for skogen

RISE Fire Research

SMHI in co-opteration with MSB. An information system: The fire risk in forests and land Brandrisk skog och mark (SMHI)
Brandriskprognoser och brandriskkartor (MSB)

Skogsstyrelsens karttjänster. Brandkarta (Skogsstyrelsen)

BRANDRISK Ute is a mobile application that helps you keep track of the fire risk in forests and land.

Uppdaterad vägledning i skogsbrandsläckning


Globala informationssidor:

The European Commission’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) forest fire risks and emergencies across Europe

EFFIS up to date information on fire danger and fire impacts in the EU, data to identify the evolution and trends of wildfires.

Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC)

Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS)

WUIVIEW performance-based analysis of fire environments.

International Forest Fire News (IFFN)

The Global Wildland Fire Network Bulletin

CTFS-ForestGEO monitoring forests in global change

Pau Costa Foundation 

PCF webinars series 

Fire Across Boundaries – Virtual Event Oct 2020

Fire Across Boundaries – Florence Conference Oct 2021

Lessons on Fire Platform

Multi Language – open access platform to share contents with the wildfire community: 

  • Library of articles, handbooks, videos, reports, etc. 
  • Forum 
  • Wildfire Community Agenda 
  • Directory of experts 
  • Wildfire jobs 

Some relevant resources to share available on the Lessons on Fire platform: 

Fire and landscape management: 
