Vill du ha mer information om skogs- och vegetationsbrand så kan de här länkarna vara en start. Fattas det en viktig sida? Hör av dig till
Nordiska informationssidor:
CAKE Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange
SMHI in co-opteration with MSB. An information system: The fire risk in forests and land Brandrisk skog och mark (SMHI)
Brandriskprognoser och brandriskkartor (MSB)
Skogsstyrelsens karttjänster. Brandkarta (Skogsstyrelsen)
BRANDRISK Ute is a mobile application that helps you keep track of the fire risk in forests and land.
Uppdaterad vägledning i skogsbrandsläckning
Globala informationssidor:
Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC)
Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS)
WUIVIEW performance-based analysis of fire environments.
International Forest Fire News (IFFN)
The Global Wildland Fire Network Bulletin
CTFS-ForestGEO monitoring forests in global change
Fire Across Boundaries – Virtual Event Oct 2020
Fire Across Boundaries – Florence Conference Oct 2021
Multi Language – open access platform to share contents with the wildfire community:
- Library of articles, handbooks, videos, reports, etc.
- Forum
- Wildfire Community Agenda
- Directory of experts
- Wildfire jobs
Some relevant resources to share available on the Lessons on Fire platform:
Fire and landscape management:
- Guide: Prevention of Large Wildfires using the Fire Types Concept (2011)
- Methodology for incorporating large fire risk into landscape management decision making (2015)
- Best Practices of Fire Use – Prescribed Burning and Suppression Fire Programmes in Selected Case-study Regions in Europe (2010)
- Fireflocks project
- FOREST FIRES; guide for communicators and journalists (2016)
- Art&Fire resources
- Cartoon video series for children